Thanks to the Southeast Michigan Council of Governments for allowing me to share part of the Cable story. If you're wondering about the document I was passing out, I've included it below.
I included a section of a Comcast (Xfinity) bill so everyone can see where the Franchise and PEG (Public, Education and Government) fees appear on their bills. These fees are ONLY included if the customer is paying for Cable, not streaming services.
The spreadsheet is a document started by Linda Kunath, the Finance Director/Treasurer in Madison Heights, to help tell the story of declining PEG and Franchise Fee revenue.
The letter I included is what Bloomfield Township elected officials signed in opposition to HB4965, a bill that would have impacted franchise fee revenue in the State of Michigan. Because of letters and opposition that was heard at the state hearing, the bill was stopped.
The loss of revenue that is collected for operating in the rights-of-way has the attention of local municipalities, in Michigan and across the country. It's a completed story that those of us in Cable need to keep telling - on our way to changing legislation and helping redefine Cable as video services, which would include any service that streams video content.
